Get to Know Us
Established in 1996, Alan Tye & Associates (ATA) was the first
Based in Fairfax, Virginia, and serving Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, DC, Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia, heavy duty lift company ATA provides sales, installation, and service on a full range of vehicle service equipment. In addition to Stertil Koni lifts, Challenger automotive lifts, Balcrank lubrication equipment, Saylor-Beall air compressors, and Harvey exhaust extraction.
ATA operates one of the largest service organizations for heavy duty shop equipment in the region. As an Associate member of the Automotive Lift Institute, ATA prides itself on having a staff of highly qualified, factory certified technicians. ATA currently has 10 ALI certified lift inspectors in the field providing valuable and necessary annual lift safety inspection.
Our Service Department at a Glance:
- 18 team members
- 13 service and installation technicians
- 7 service technicians are ALI certified
- 16 service vehicles with average $50,000 in parts at all times
- Service orders electronically dispatched
- ALI safety inspections electronically cataloged
Installation and Construction
ATA has a staff of professional lift installers to install new lifts or replace old equipment. We can provide and install reels, wash systems, or shop accessories including air compressors, exhaust systems, lube equipment, tanks and turnkey shop installation. Our staff can provide recommendations for equipment as well as comprehensive estimates and project management. We hold a Class A Contractors License in Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and DC, and can serve as either General Contractor or sub-contractor.