Importance of ALI Certified Lift Inspections
Every automotive and heavy-duty lift installed in the United States must be inspected at least annually. A lift failure can result in serious injuries or death. It’s critical to your safety and the safety of others in the shop that when you buy a car lift or truck lift, you focus first on safety by choosing only ALI Certified Lifts!

The ALI Lift Inspector Certification Program provides third-party qualification of vehicle lift inspectors and certifies those who demonstrate they are capable of properly inspecting vehicle lifts in accordance with the ANSI standard governing vehicle lift inspection. Annual vehicle lift inspections conducted by a “qualified automotive lift inspector” are required by the ANSI National Standard covering vehicle lift operation, inspection, and maintenance (ANSI/ALI ALOIM current edition) and included by reference in regulations in the United States.
Insist on a new Check 360 Certified Lift inspection available from one of our 10 ALI Certified Lift Inspectors who meet all national lift safety standard inspection requirements. Our technicians are qualified to inspect any make or model of vehicle lift.
At the conclusion of a Check360 lift inspection, our ALI Certified Lift Inspector will provide a thorough report of the results, including any concerns and recommendations. The inspector will apply an exclusive Check360 Certified Lift Inspection label to every lift that passes inspection.
The report is signed by the shop manager or person having authority. The completed form is emailed to the contact listed on the inspection form for the customer, and to the main office of ATA. An electronic database of all inspections performed is maintained by ATA.
For more information on these inspections, please visit the ALI website or fill out the form below.